We’ve been building world-class Swaps since 2017 so you don’t have to. Access the most efficient liquidity for web3 tokens through a single API.
Get started0x Argon Router’s multihop and multiplex routing delivers the best prices and optimal trading path for users.
Uniswap V2
0x RFQ
Balancer v2
Sushiswap v3
Battle-tested since 2017, 0x is the trusted leader in the decentralized exchange infrastructure.
Historical Uptime
Revert rates
Lowest in Defi
Median response time
10 EVM Networks:
Available on the largest chains, including Ethereum, Base, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, Polygon and more.
Deepest Coverage:
Access 7M+ tokens with unrivaled liquidity from 130+ exchanges, including tokens with buy/sell taxes.
Slippage & MEV Protection:
Designed to minimize the impact of sandwich attacks and MEV. Users save an average of ~50-80% on slippage.
Exclusive RFQ Liquidity:
Unlock top-tier liquidity coverage from sophisticated market makers. 0x RFQ outperforms AMMs on price 46% of the time where available.
Actionable User Insights:
Understand your user trading behavior with in-depth charts and data from onchain trades with 0x Trade Analytics.
Monetization Controls:
Unlock new revenue streams with multiple options. Choose which tokens to collect fees in.
Lower Risk Profile:
Leverage Permit2 to bolster your apps defensibility and lower your risk profile for the unthinkable.
Address Screening:
Built-in regulatory and legal compliance. Avoid hefty fees with no additional integration or cost.
Reduce Errors with Smart Validation:
Reliable quotes with accurate gas estimates, every time.
Buy/Sell Tax Support:
Keep up with trends, keep up with user demands.
Simplified Error Handling:
Error messages designed for humans. Solving the most tedious part of the developer experience with description vs cryptic error codes.
Dedicated Support:
Get help from an expert in 30 min or less directly through the 0x Dashboard.