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Swap API

Swap API

Your gateway to unrivaled liquidity

Swap API

Power crypto trading in your application with Swap. Access 100+ exchanges and thousands of tokens with a single API.

Swap API

Deep liquidity without the infrastructure overhead

Slippage and MEV protection

Our infrastructure is designed to minimize the impact of sandwich attacks and MEV. When Slippage Protection is enabled, users save an average of ~50-80%+ on slippage.

Low revert rates

Despite the complexity of routing orders through multiple DEXes and Market Makers, our robust infrastructure enables us to have one of the lowest revert rates in the industry.

Unlimited crypto assets

One integration with 0x unlocks thousands of tokens on the most popular blockchains and aggregated liquidity from 100+ AMMs and our private market makers.

Competitive pricing via aggregation

0x smart order routing splits up your transactions across multiple liquidity sources to find the most efficient order execution path based on the traded tokens and transaction size.

Exclusive RFQ liquidity

We work with Professional Market Makers to provide exclusive RFQ liquidity. This liquidity is competitive with AMMs, and comes with additional benefits including zero slippage and guaranteed MEV protection.
Learn more

Proprietary smart order routing

Have you ever wondered how    Google Maps gets you to your destination so quickly?

It's all thanks to tens of thousands of real-time data points that are used to find the most efficient route possible...

...Similarly,  Swap API order routing finds the most efficient path of execution to result in the best executed price.

By analyzing the following in real-time

Gas costs
Available liquidity
Execution quality
Price impact

Best in class performance




Revert rates

4x lower than competitors


Median response time

Fastest way to tap into 100+ exchanges

With Swap API, you can quickly build production-ready products and spend less time on the maintenance of liquidity infrastructure.

--headers "0x-api-key: 5377b882-05cf-4814-a66d-102a86974012"

Sample code
Allowance targets
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